SOC Code:
The 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system is used by federal statistical agencies to classify
workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, and/or disseminating data. All
workers are classified into one of over 860 occupations according to their occupational definitions. Use the SOC
code when looking for occupations at: or
2022 Annual Wage:
These are the estimated 2022 average annual wages based on the data collected by the Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics
program. Wages are published annually in Delaware Wages by the Delaware Department of Labor, Office of
Occupational & Labor Market Information.
Occupation Title:
Job titles are from the Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics (OEWS) Program or the O*NET Classification System
Estimated 2022 Emp:
2022 estimated employment from the Delaware Department of Labor. These data are updated and published every two
years by the Office of Occupational & Labor Market Information.
2032 Projected Emp:
2032 projected employment from the Delaware Department of Labor. These data are updated and published every two
years by the Office of Occupational & Labor Market Information.
Is the typical level of education most workers need to enter the occupation.
- PhD/Prof = Doctoral or professional degree: a doctorate usually requires at least 3 years of full-time academic
work beyond a bachelor's degree. A professional degree also usually requires at least 3 years of full-time
academic study beyond a bachelor's.
- Mast = Master's degree: usually requires 1 or 2 years of full-time academic study beyond a bachelor's.
- Bach = Bachelor's degree: generally requires at least 4 yrs, but not more than 5 yrs, of full-time academic
study beyond high school.
- Assoc = Associate's degree: usually requires at least 2 years but not more than 4 years of full-time academic
study beyond high school.
- VocEd = Postsecondary vocational training: programs lead to a certificate or other award, but not a degree. The
certificate is awarded by the educational institution and is the result of completing formal postsecondary
vocational training.
- HS = High school diploma or equivalent.
- NFE = No formal education credential is needed
Work Exp
For some occupations, work experience in a related occupation may be a typical method of entry. The majority of
occupations in this category are first-line supervisors or managers of service, sales, and production occupations.
This metric is meant to capture work experience that is commonly considered necessary by employers, or is a commonly
accepted substitute for other, more formal types of training or education. Occupations are assigned one of the
following four categories that deal with length of time spent gaining related work experience:
- 5+ (more than 5 years)
- <5 (less than 5 years)
- None
Job Training:
This category encompasses any additional training or preparation that is typically needed, once employed in an
occupation, to attain competency in the skills needed in that occupation.
- Int/Res = Internship/Residency: training that involves preparation in a field such as medicine or teaching,
generally under supervision in a professional setting, such as a hospital or classroom.
- APP = Apprenticeship: a formal relationship between a worker and sponsor that consists of a combination of
on-the-job training and related occupation-specific technical instruction in which the worker learns the
practical and theoretical aspects of an occupation.
- LOJT = Long-term on-the-job training: More than 12 months of on-the-job training or, alternatively, combined
work experience and formal classroom instruction.
- MOJT = Moderate-term on-the-job training: Skills needed for a worker to attain competency in an occupation that
can be acquired during 1 to 12 months of combined on-the-job experience and informal training.
- SOJT = Short-term on-the-job training: 1 month or less
- None